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Let's get back to business!
SupaYoshi Admin Builders / Creators
27 posts
22 topics
Discord: SupaYoshi#0001
over 4 years ago
<p>Hi everyone! Here is Yoshi, ;)</p> <p>Let's get back into promoting the server ;) I'd like to ask everyone, to upvote our Reddit posts to start,</p> <p><strong>unitedfactions.net/reddit you can find them here.</strong></p> <p>I am also in search of someone with a deep voice, for a video I made, and I need someone to do the talking in it, with an English or American accent. If you know someone, or if you want to help me, contact me!</p> <p>Another thing, I am looking for people to help me with ideas for videos :) Reply to this post if you want to help out.</p> <hr /> <p><span style="font-size: 18pt;"><strong>Server announcements</strong></span></p> <p><strong>Added and changed features:</strong><br />- Rewards for voting have been increased to 8 gold ingots per vote.<br />- You now get 2 enchanted golden apples for a weekly vote streak<br />- You now get a spawner for a monthly vote streak<br />- There is now a sleeping plugin that gradually progresses the night faster depending on how many players are sleeping.<br />- Bedrock player skins now correctly show and they're no longer just Steve's/Jebs.<br /><br /><strong>Things that are being worked on:</strong><br />- Dungeon server is being tested and already had a few test runs. Expect Temple Dungeon to be back online and playable sometime this week.<br />- Creation of 2 extra dungeons with medium and easy difficulty.<br />- More dungeons<br />- Custom achievements?<br />- More interactive tutorials<br />- Possible lock-picking feature. However, funding is needed for this to be developed. Consider donating if you like to see this implemented.<br />- Quests<br />- Secret possible content event<br /><br /><strong>Special thanks:</strong><br />- Special thanks to TheOfficialTGB for his multiple donations over the past week, also purchasing VIP ranks for other players. We greatly value his and all other donations made by others to the server. The more donations that come in, the more it enables us to create more content and also look at paid promotions to lure in more players.<br /><br /><strong>Requests:</strong><br />- We're looking for big and small content creators on YouTube and Twitch that like to help promoting the server(bewerkt)</p>

Last edited: over 4 years ago x 2
noobymaster8716 Member
1 posts
0 topics
over 3 years ago
<p>hi im new i play bedrock but i would love to help in anyway</p>

x 2
SupaYoshi Admin Builders / Creators
27 posts
22 topics
Discord: SupaYoshi#0001
over 3 years ago
<p>I'd not mind your help at all! Are you good with TikTok or video's?</p> <p>let me know</p>

TheOfficialTGB Member
1 posts
0 topics
over 3 years ago
<p>suggestion for video ideas, since he servers starting to get more people because of holidays maybe host some events and stream/record it all happening, events meaning building off, pvp fights etc etc, when you raid record them, maybe collab with other content creators :) </p>

arnaud1 Member
1 posts
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Discord: arnaud?#6717
over 3 years ago
<p>how can you join the minecraft smp?</p> <p> </p>

x 1
SupaYoshi Admin Builders / Creators
27 posts
22 topics
Discord: SupaYoshi#0001
over 3 years ago
<p>You can join by typing play.unitedfactions.net into your Minecraft Multiplayer client</p>